Join us Sundays for In Person Worship at 9:30 AM
Our Sunday service begins at 9:25 with gathering music provided by our gifted musicians Bettie Ross on piano and organ and John Magnussen on percussion and vibes!
At 9:30 we are called together in worship with prayer and song. Our words and music are based on ancient patterns of liturgy, but are made fresh and meaningful every week for all who gather to grow closer to God. There is a children's time with a teaching moment geared towards our younger participants but appreciated by all. Bible readings, sermon, hymns, choir anthems, and Holy Communion fill us with God's word and blessing, and we are sent out the door rejoicing, renewed and ready to be God's hands in the world at large.
All are invited to participate in our choir, led by our choir director Lisa Curtis.
The choir supports the congregation in all aspects of our Sunday music, and provides a special piece of music most weeks during the offering. We also invite all musicians to sit in with their instruments. Our organist/accompanist/arranger extraordinaire Betty Ross welcomes and finds a place for all instruments. The choir presents an extended selection of music during Holy Week and prepares for a glorious Christmas season, including our annual Christmas afternoon concert of sacred music. We meet to rehearse every Wednesday at 7:30 pm until 9.