Wednesday, September 16th Day #4 of “God’s work, Our hands” Week
God's Work, Our Hands!
Dear St. Luke Friends,
Day #4: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
God’s Work, Our Hands Week!
Learn, Grow, Serve – Setting Aside an Hour a Day to serve God and our Neighbors!
Serving God by Caring for our Immigrant Neighbors in Need
Let mutual love continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured. Hebrews 13:1-3
Reflection: I wonder who would be there for me if all of the sudden it was a crime to live as a Christian, and I had to flee to another country to save my life or the lives of my family or friends? If I landed in Guatemala, or Siberia or Kenya, would someone be moved out of human kindness to make sure I would survive such an ordeal? Or would everyone feel as though they had enough “on their plate” already, consider me a threat to good order, consider me an outsider? Would I die, as so many have, trying to simply stay alive?
Start small, learn more, invest yourself!
God’s Work in 3 Minutes:
Visit LIRS website: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service – watch a quick video and sign up to receive their newsletter
Forward the Weekly Word to a friend–or post an invite on Social Media – invite neighbors/friends to join us for worship on Sundays: (
God’s Work in <30 Minutes:
Read: Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s statement on immigrants known as “Dreamers”
Watch an LIRS video: “Locked in a Box: Immigration Detention” or “Journey from Sudan—Rebecca’s story”
Read and Write!: Read the ELCA simple instructions for writing a letter to the editor-one of the best ways to advocate for holy change!
God’s Work in 1-3 Hours:
Watch a movie!: El Norte; An American Tail (on Amazon Prime)
Watch an Interview with Immigration Authors! Books include:
"Separated: Inside an American Tragedy.” By Jacob Soboroff,
"The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move" by Sonia Shah,
"After the Last Border: Two Families and the Story of Refuge in America" by Jessica Goudeau
"The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible and the Journey to Belong" by Karen Gonzalez
Read one of the above books! (Available on Amazon, Audible or Kindle)
God’s blessing to you.
Pastor Janet
Rev. Janet L. Hansted
St. Luke Lutheran Church
5312 Comercio WayWoodland Hills, CA 91364
FB: StLukeWoodlandHills
818 436-2850 ch. ofc.
(*All suggestions for movies are intended to acquaint the faithful with some aspects of the theme of the day. Should there be aspects of the movie or specifics associated with content, actors, production or other aspects of the movie which are objectionable, please note St. Luke is not endorsing all aspects of each resource listed, only making suggestions for potentially helpful experiences in focusing on the themes for the day.)